This costume turned out to be a big hit, and was actually very easy to make. Also it was my first attempt at making any costume ever, so you can learn from my mistakes here and do this even better. I’ve listed the mistakes at the end.
At the time of writing (Sep 2019) I googled and didn’t see any versions of this costume that I honestly thought were better than mine.
So anyway, Stewie Griffin. The 95th Greatest Villain of all time according to Wizard Magazine, is 50% head. The entire thing is based on the head. If you are feeling lazy you could just make the head and wear a normal shirt and jeans and it would still work as a Stewie costume.
I made the head from papier mache. Not from any fancy mixture - just flour and water and newspapers.
STEP 1. The Head Mold
To make the head you need something for the shape. Something to stick the papier mache on.
I got one of those inflatable rugby balls, the 120cm one.
You can get them on Amazon.
I wanted an Ireland Rugby ball that I could maybe get some further use out of, but they don’t seem to make those, so I got the England one. The main thing is to get the 120cm.
You want to make as big a head as possible, but not so big that you can’t balance it on your own head. How to get it to sit securely on your head it is explained further down.
One of these