Customer Email:
“Hi Brendan. I got your contact details from Marie Murphy who got you to do an amazing caricature of myself and my husband for our wedding in August 2015.
I am hoping you can do something similar for my sister's engagement. Sinead and Kris for engaged at the Skelligs two weeks ago after 11 years together.
We went out to the Skelligs on the 'Lady Clare' boat (pic attached). Kris made a video of things him and Sinead had done over their 11 years together. He had puppets made of he 2 of them (pics attached).The two of them put their names together and use the name for lots of stuff, ie Kris and Sinead = Krisead. Sinead is from Laois. Kris was born in Waterford and grew up in the Isle of Man.They met at UCC. They have lived in Edinburgh for 5 years. Sinead is very girly and loves jewellery, dresses and high shoes.
I hope I have attached enough pictures and given you enough information.”
Finished Cartoon: